Dear Parents/Guardians
As you are aware, the school has been non-operational since Monday 23 March 2020 as we have had two staff members diagnosed with COVID-19.
The school will resume operations tomorrow Friday, 27 March 2020.
The NSW Department of Education and NSW Health have been working closely to ensure the health and safety of all students and staff is maintained. This work has included identifying close contacts of the confirmed case and communicating directly with them regarding their requirement to self-isolate.
The students and staff identified as close contacts were asked to self-isolate for 14 days and not return to school until this time has elapsed.
A 'close contact' is a person who has spent significant time either face-to-face (15 mins) or in an enclosed space (two hours or more).
The school has been thoroughly cleaned ready for school to resume tomorrow.
Schools in NSW are open for students, however, the NSW Government is encouraging parents to keep their children home when possible. Therefore Normanhurst West Public School is open to any student from tomorrow and a single unit model of learning will be available for both students learning school or home.
Families who wish to keep their children at home can access learning materials online through the Department’s Learning from Home site,
The school will be led by Mr Matthew Pinchbeck as Principal during this time. Mr Pinchbeck is substantive principal of Pennant Hills Public School and a former Assistant Principal of Normanhurst West Public School. Mr Pinchbeck will engage staff from other Department schools while the regular staff are in self-isolation.
For students attending school, the school will be vigilant in implementing the department’s infection control procedures including daily cleaning in accordance with normal protocols, the promotion of healthy hygiene habits and will make hand sanitiser available for staff and students to use while at school.
All staff and students should remain at home if they are unwell. Those who become unwell will be sent home and asked to stay away until they are well.
We look forward to classes as normal on Friday and students resuming their normal activities.